ConDep is a open source infrastructure configuration and deployment DSL (Domain Specific Language) specifically targeted to (but not limited to) the Windows Server platform. If your familiar with tools like Chef and Puppet, ConDep does very much the same, but with native support for Windows.
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Fully Automatic Installation (FAI) is a tool for mass unattended deployment of Linux. You can take one or more virgin PCs, turn on the power, and after a few minutes, the systems are installed and completely configured.
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Instrumental is a real-time, high-scale application and server monitoring tool with intelligent alerts, a powerful query language, and free development accounts.
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Kibana is a modern, beautiful visualization tool that works seamlessly with Logstash and ElasticSearch. It features a no-code setup, realtime analytics, and much more.
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Phabricator is an open source collection of development and code management, including code reviews and audits, browsing repositories, tracking bugs, etc
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