A versatile orchestration engine that can automate systems and apps. Instead of a custom scripting language or code, it is very simple and shell based. It is also agent-less, so you can just start using it right away and get things done
linux open-source provisioning config-mgmt orchestration python
A system management and provisioning tool, with centralized configuration management
linux open-source config-mgmt provisioning orchestration python
Salt is a powerful and different approach to infrastructure management, by focusing on high speed communications between large number of systems, and can perform orchestration, remote code execution and much more.
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ShutIt is an automation platform. It makes it easy to create simple modular automation scripts that handle differing output, install software, log in and out of servers, capture output etc.. ShutItFiles are an extension to make it even easier for people to develop automation scripts.
linux open-source config-mgmt provisioning python
A platform for event-driven automation. StackStorm allows you to integrate and automate across services and tools. It ties together your existing infrastructure and application environment so you can more easily automate that environment -- with a particular focus on taking actions in response to events.
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Apache ZooKeeper
ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services. It is distributed and highly reliable, with Consensus, group management and presence protocols built-in.
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