Monitor everything you're building.
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A Web based code review and project management system for Git projects
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A self-hosted Git service written in Go. Gogs(Go Git Service) is a painless self-hosted Git Service written in Go. The goal of this project is to make the easiest, fastest and most painless way to set up a self-hosted Git service. With Go, this can be done in independent binary distribution across ALL platforms that Go supports, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
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InfluxDB is a time series, metrics, and analytics database. It’s written in Go and has no external dependencies. InfluxDB is targeted at use cases for DevOps, metrics, sensor data, and real-time analytics.
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Instrumental is a real-time, high-scale application and server monitoring tool with intelligent alerts, a powerful query language, and free development accounts.
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KairosDB is a fast distributed scalable time series database written on top of Cassandra. RESTful JSON-based query/results. Includes flot-based visualization.
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Kibana is a modern, beautiful visualization tool that works seamlessly with Logstash and ElasticSearch. It features a no-code setup, realtime analytics, and much more.
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An open source utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems
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Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit built at SoundCloud.
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Raygun keeps a watchful eye on your web and mobile applications and tells you when problems arise.
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Detect, diagnose and defeat errors.
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Automate error tracking to find and fix issues before your users even experience a crash. Sentry is open-source, real-time, and loved by 100,000 developers around the world.
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SSH KeyBox
An open-source jump box solution with auditing capabilities
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