
A versatile orchestration engine that can automate systems and apps. Instead of a custom scripting language or code, it is very simple and shell based. It is also agent-less, so you can just start using it right away and get things done


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Batou makes it easy to perform automated deployments. It combines Fabric's simplicty and SSH automation, with Puppet's declarative syntax and idempotence


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A Deployment framework written in PHP. Can deploy to multiple servers using Gearman.


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Monitor everything you're building.


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Public and Private Maven and Python (PyPi) repositories. Fully managed and highly available repository hosting.


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Cloudsmith Package

Just Better Package Management. Manage your software dependencies and distribution with Enterprise-grade package management.


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Docker uses LXC to create and manage native, sandboxed virtual containers. LXC containers acts like a separate OSes, can install their own packages without affecting anything else, and overall have almost the same flexibility of VMs but without any of the virtualization overhead! Docker adds a ton of features, like an elegant configuration file that automates many things (like port forwarding, disk/directory mounting, networking, etc), a way to create and share readymade images that can be distributed as appliances, etc.


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