
A versatile orchestration engine that can automate systems and apps. Instead of a custom scripting language or code, it is very simple and shell based. It is also agent-less, so you can just start using it right away and get things done


linux open-source provisioning config-mgmt orchestration python


Batou makes it easy to perform automated deployments. It combines Fabric's simplicty and SSH automation, with Puppet's declarative syntax and idempotence


linux open-source provisioning python


Securely manages privileged account credentials, such as root passwords, using Shamir secret sharing. Its like 1Password for DevOps.


linux open-source orchestration python


Fabric is a python framework to configure deployment or system administration tasks, and then run those tasks on local or remote systems. It uses SSH heavily for interacting with remote systems, and uses Roles to group tasks


linux osx open-source orchestration python


Fully Automatic Installation (FAI) is a tool for mass unattended deployment of Linux. You can take one or more virgin PCs, turn on the power, and after a few minutes, the systems are installed and completely configured.


linux open-source config-mgmt provisioning perl