fabric8 is an end to end development platform spanning ideation to production for the creation of cloud native applications and microservices
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KairosDB is a fast distributed scalable time series database written on top of Cassandra. RESTful JSON-based query/results. Includes flot-based visualization.
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Kibana is a modern, beautiful visualization tool that works seamlessly with Logstash and ElasticSearch. It features a no-code setup, realtime analytics, and much more.
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An open source utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems
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Nomad is a lightweight workload orchestrator. It offers client instance scaling as well as workload scaling.
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Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms (like VirtualBox, VMWare, EC2, DigitalOcean, etc) from a single configuration file.
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Supervisord Monitor
Supervisord Monitor is multi server monitoring tool for supervisor - watch, start and stop all your supervisord instances and servvices from one place.
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Supervisor can manage application processes. It can start and stop a group of processes, restart processes if any of them terminate (keep-alive), start multiple instances of the same process (process pooling), automatically manage PID files, and much more! Very useful if you need to manage multiple processes for your application.
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A Chaos Monkey for TCP, it randomly disconnects or stalls TCP connections in your application to test application tolerance and high availability. Makes sure you correctly handle these unexpected events
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werf is CI/CD tool for building Docker images and delivering them to Kubernetes using a GitOps approach. It integrates with any existing CI systems including GitLab CI, GitHub Actions, etc.
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