
A versatile orchestration engine that can automate systems and apps. Instead of a custom scripting language or code, it is very simple and shell based. It is also agent-less, so you can just start using it right away and get things done


linux open-source provisioning config-mgmt orchestration python


Bolt is an open source orchestration tool that automates the manual work it takes to maintain your infrastructure. Use Bolt to automate tasks that you perform on an as-needed basis or as part of a greater orchestration workflow. For example, you can use Bolt to patch and update systems, troubleshoot servers, deploy applications, or stop and restart services. Bolt can be installed on your local workstation and connects directly to remote targets with SSH or WinRM, so you are not required to install any agent software.


linux open-source provisioning config-mgmt orchestration ruby


Buildbot is an open-source framework for automating software build, test, and release processes. It differs from other CI tools in that it is more of a betteries included Framework, rather than a tool, and can hence be grown to meet your own needs. One of the reasons it is used in many high profile open source projects like Chromium, Firefox, Webkit, Python, etc.


linux open-source ci python


Cabot is an open source, self hosted infrastructure monitoring tool. It can monitor your services and send telephone, SMS, email or chat alerts to your team whenever anything goes down, all without writing a single line of code.


linux windows osx open-source ci python


Configuration management tool which uses a pure-Ruby, domain-specific language (DSL) for writing system configuration recipes. Supports Linux, UNIX, Windows, and AIX as first-class citizens for management.


linux windows open-source provisioning config-mgmt ruby


A generic integration tool built on a Message Queue, to make it easy to communicate events and triggers across various parts parts of the infrastructure. Created to ease the pain of configuring many disparate events in a CI


linux windows osx open-source ci ruby


A complete lifecycle management tool for servers, both self-hosted and in the cloud. It allows you to create and manage instances, build and deploy images, view and audit hosts, and much more! It works with Puppet or Chef, and has multiple interaction facilities like a web frontend, CLI and a RESTful API.


linux open-source virt config-mgmt provisioning monitoring cloud-paas ruby


Gauntlt provides hooks to a variety of security tools and puts them within reach of security, dev and ops teams to collaborate to build rugged software. It is built to facilitate testing and communication between groups and create actionable tests that can be hooked into your deploy and testing processes.


linux open-source security hardening ruby