Repeatable, reboot resilient windows environment installations made easy using Chocolatey packages. When its time to repave either bare metal or virtualized instances, locally or on a remote machine, Boxstarter can automate both trivial and highly complex installations. Compatible with all Windows versions from Windows 7/2008 R2 forward.
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Monitor everything you're building.
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Configuration management tool which uses a pure-Ruby, domain-specific language (DSL) for writing system configuration recipes. Supports Linux, UNIX, Windows, and AIX as first-class citizens for management.
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Chocolatey is like apt-get for Windows. It can install packages and dependencies over the command line.
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Consul makes it simple for services to register themselves and to discover other services via a DNS or HTTP interface. Register external services such as SaaS providers as well
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Flexible operating-system event and metric forwarding agent. Receives input and forwards output using plugins.
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A package management tool, similar to Ivy/APT, but language agnostic, faster and works well with both executables and libraries.
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PowerShell Desired State Configuration
DSC is a new management platform in Windows PowerShell that enables deploying and managing configuration data for software services and managing the environment in which these services run.
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Puppet is a tool designed to manage the configuration of Unix-like and Microsoft Windows systems declaratively.
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Raygun keeps a watchful eye on your web and mobile applications and tells you when problems arise.
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Detect, diagnose and defeat errors.
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Automate error tracking to find and fix issues before your users even experience a crash. Sentry is open-source, real-time, and loved by 100,000 developers around the world.
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Vagrant Cachier
A Vagrant plugin that helps you reduce the amount of coffee you drink while waiting for boxes to be provisioned by sharing a common package cache among similiar VM instances.
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veewee is a great tool for building Virtual Machine images (aka base boxes). It automates most of the steps and allows you to easily create readymade images for VirtualBox/Vagrant, VMWare Fusion, KVM and Parallels. No longer need to shy away from building custom VM images!
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